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Body Procedure FAQ

  • Liposuction

    Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?

    Most patients are good candidates for liposuction. You are encouraged to consult with Dr. Sayah about your areas of concern and to discuss treatment options. Our team of nutritionists, exercise physiologists, and endocrinologists will assess your current physical status and optimize your exercise regimen and nutrition. Dr. Sayah emphasizes a practical yet conservative approach to liposuction to achieve natural results with excellent overall proportion after surgery.

    Will the Fat Come Back in Other Body Parts?

    Your body is essentially a bank account for calories. Every day you consume certain calories and burn off some calories through your daily activities. If you take in more calories than you burn off on any day, your body saves the accumulated calories as fat, muscle or glycogen. On the other hand, if you burn more calories than you take in, you use up calorie storages from your fat, muscle or glycogen. Liposuction essentially decreases the fat storage capacity at the particular area which has fat removed. So if you continue your healthy lifestyle and continue to maintain your weight, then you will not accumulate more fat elsewhere. On the other hand, If you gain a considerable amount of weight (more than 10 lbs), your body will need to store the fat somewhere. It then stores more of the fat in areas which have not had liposuction. If your weight fluctuates less than 10 lbs, the location of the fat gain will likely go unnoticed. So plan on a healthy lifestyle after liposuction and enjoy your figure forever.

    Is Cellulite Due to Excess Fat?

    Cellulite is due to dimpling in the skin as connective tissue anchors the skin to the deeper structure below. While cellulite worsens with fat gain as the skin tents upwards, cellulite is not only due to excess fat. In those with cellulite but minimal to no excess fat, the skin irregularities and dimpling can be due to decreased skin elasticity or thin cords of connective tissue below the skin. Fine liposuction improves cellulite by breaking such cords and improving skin elasticity by inducing scarring under the skin.

    Dr. Sayah offers advanced cellulite removal treatments, including Thermage.

    What Happens to the Loose Skin after Liposuction?

    In most cases, the skin has enough elasticity or “spring” to tighten after liposuction. As we age, our skin continually loses its elasticity. An excellent analogy is going from spandex which is very elastic to linen with no elasticity at all. In those with borderline skin elasticity, judicial and conservative liposuction is extremely important in avoiding issues with loose skin after surgery. In those with minimal skin elasticity, the more fat is removed from the area, the more loose skin results. Liposuction can be effective in those with poor skin elasticity. Those with poor skin elasticity simply have to accept minor skin excess post-operatively. Other surgical procedures may be necessary for conjunction with liposuction to effectively address the loose skin.

    How Will Pregnancy Affect My Liposuction Results?

    Not all women gain extreme amounts of fat during pregnancy. Regardless, the physical changes of pregnancy don’t necessarily negate the effects of liposuction. In fact, if you have had liposuction of troubling areas on your body, you will not gain much fat at the liposuctioned areas during pregnancy. If you are going to be pregnant in the next six months, Dr. Sayah recommends holding off on liposuction until your body has returned to its normal state after your delivery and nursing.

    What Are the Risks of Liposuction?

    Any medical procedure has associated risks just like most decisions in our lives. In expert hands, liposuction is very safe with minimal risks. The potential risks include scarring, infection, unevenness, contour irregularity, excess loose skin, need for additional surgery, and injury to surrounding areas such as nerves or organs. Dr. Sayah chooses tactically placed minimal incisions which lead to small hidden scars. You are placed on prophylactic antibiotics to minimize the risk of infection. Using micro-liposuction techniques, Dr. Sayah removes fat in very small amounts thereby reducing the incidence of contour abnormalities. Judicial conservative liposuction in imperative avoidance of most risks associated with liposuction.

    What Is the Right Age for Liposuction?

    Liposuction is typically recommended for adults only as the body continues to evolve and grow throughout adolescent years. Boys with gynecomastia (excessively large breasts) and women with development abnormalities of their breasts (Poland’s syndrome) or breast tumors are exceptions to this rule as they can have liposuction at younger ages based on the severity of their problems.

    When Can I Resume My Normal Activities after Liposuction?

    You are encouraged to walk around even on the day of your liposuction. You should increase your activity daily until you are fully running at two weeks post-operatively. On your regular follow-up visits, your activity level will be modified based on how you are healing. Remember to drink plenty of fluids after our liposuction procedure particularly if you are active.

    How Much Fat Can Be Removed with Liposuction?

    The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, as well as many State Medical Boards, recommend limiting outpatient liposuction volume to 5 liters. More than 5 liters may be removed if liposuction is performed in a hospital setting. This guideline was established to ensure patient safety and minimize liposuction complications. To give you a better perspective, more than 90 percent of patients will require removal of fewer than 5 liters regardless of this guideline. Liposuction is probably not the best solution in the extremely obese who should try weight loss through other modalities.

    How Do I Correct Problems with Past Liposuction by Another Surgeon?

    As with any revision surgery, correction of problems from past liposuction is possible but more difficult than the first time around liposuction. Dr. Sayah specializes in revision surgery. Using Micro-liposuction, fat is removed in small amounts at areas of deformity. The harvested fat can also be purified and stem-cell enriched to be injected into divots or dimpled areas which are present from prior liposuction.

  • Tummy Tuck

    What Is a Tummy Tuck?

    A tummy tuck, officially known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that first tightens the interior abdominal muscles, then removes excess fat and tissue to reveal a more streamlined profile.

    What Should I Expect?

    1. The first step in your tummy tuck is scheduling a consultation with Dr. Sayah. Together, you’ll discuss your appearance goals and the best approach toward achieving these goals.
    2. As your surgery approaches, drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. On the day before your surgery, you should stick to just clear liquids to ensure a positive surgical experience the next day.
    3. The day of your surgery, a light general anesthesia will be administered to allow you to sleep through the surgery, combined with a local anesthetic right at the surgical site to minimize post-operative discomfort.
    4. During your tummy tuck, Dr. Sayah will make incisions that are hidden below the natural bikini line. If there has been any muscle separation in the abdomen, stitches will bring the muscles back together and hold them in their correct placement. Next, Dr. Sayah will use liposuction to remove fat cell deposits in the abdomen. Any excess skin and tissue are removed, and the skin is re-draped over your freshly tightened abdominal muscles.

    Am I a Candidate?

    The best candidates for tummy tuck are those who have already reached a steady weight and are in good general health overall. Weight losses after a tummy tuck, or weight gain following the procedure, could both impact your final results. A tummy tuck isn’t an alternative to weight loss, and shouldn’t be performed on women who anticipate becoming pregnant.

    What Will My Results Look Like?

    After your tummy tuck, you should be able to see an immediate difference in your profile, although postoperative swelling may disguise the results at first. Loose skin and tissue will no longer be visible, and lower abdominal stretch marks will be resolved.

    Can I Get Lipo Instead?

    While liposuction and tummy tucks are both procedures that help you look slimmer and more toned, they are very different surgeries that accomplish very different goals. Liposuction removes only fat cells and does not affect the musculature support of the abdomen in any way. Liposuction won’t remove excess skin, either, or minimize stretch marks.

    A tummy tuck repairs separated abdominal muscles, as well as removing excess fat and tissue. A tummy tuck and liposuction are often combined for more comprehensive results.

    To learn more about the differences between lipo and tummy tucks and for help determining which is right for you, click here.

    What About Recovery?

    After your tummy tuck, Dr. Sayah suggests walking around as soon as possible rather than lying still, to promote active blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots. He also recommends rolling to your side first before getting out of bed, and not lying flat for the first couple of weeks. You should also avoid sitting perfectly straight during your first week home, so you do not place excess strain on your incisions.

    While recovering, you’ll have to keep track of emptying your surgical drains and removing your compression garment every few hours. These steps will help ensure that swelling dissipates rapidly, and promote healing.

    Is My Tummy Tuck Permanent?

    With proper care, tummy tuck results will last for many years. However, it is possible for the abdominal muscles to re-stretch during subsequent pregnancies or weight gain. For this reason, Dr. Sayah does not recommend abdominoplasty for women who plan on future pregnancies. Although nothing can fully stop the aging process, tummy tucks reshape the appearance of your body to minimize the signs of aging both now and in the future. If you continue to maintain a healthful diet and regular exercise, you should be able to maintain your new look long-term.

  • Body Lift

    What Is a Body Lift?

    A body lift removes excess skin and tissue from throughout the inner and outer thighs, belly, bottom and abdomen, often following dramatic weight loss or pregnancy.

    Am I a Candidate?

    The best candidates for a body lift have reached or are within a few pounds of their target weight, yet have isolated pockets of fatty tissue along with noticeably loose skin. It’s also important to be in good health mentally and physically and to maintain realistic expectations about your procedure.

    Can’t Diet and Exercise Give Me the Contours I Want?

    Diet and exercise can help you to lose excess weight. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean you’ll have any control over your body contours. Isolated pockets of fat may remain behind even after you reach your target weight. Additionally, if a large amount of weight was lost very rapidly, excess skin may stay behind that can only be resolved through surgery.

    Can I Combine a Body Lift with Additional Procedures?

    A body lift is typically made up of multiple surgeries, especially a tummy tuck and a thigh lift. Trunk liposuction and leg liposuction are often incorporated as well for fine-tuning your lower body contours.

    What Should I Expect During My Procedure?

    Each body lift will vary slightly depending on the specific needs of every patient. Typically, Dr. Sayah makes a circumferential incision from hip to hip to remove the apron of excess skin and fat through the lower belly. Next, Dr. Sayah repositions and tightens the soft tissue structure, adding new support with deep, layered sutures. For improving the thighs and buttocks, Dr. Sayah makes incisions in the groin area to access the excess skin and tissue and create smoother, slimmer lines.

    What Should I Expect During Recovery?

    It’s okay to feel sore and uncomfortable after a body lift, especially when trying to stand completely upright. Temporary drains may be used to help facilitate healing and prevent post-operative complications. Over-the-counter medication is often sufficient for helping patients feel more comfortable, although Dr. Sayah can recommend something stronger if needed. The majority of patients can return to work within a few weeks.

    When Will I See Results?

    You should notice a difference in your lower body right away, although your final results will be gradually revealed over the next several months. As you heal, you will see an improvement in your lower body contours. As long as you maintain healthy habits like continuing to eat right and stay active, you can expect your results to be permanent.*

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