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Hand Surgery in Beverly Hills

There are some common conditions that could necessitate hand surgery. Dr. David Sayah, a board certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, offers both surgical and nonsurgical treatments for concerns including carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), ganglion cysts and Dupuytren’s disease. Whether experiencing mild discomfort, significantly limited range of motion, or ongoing pain during daily activities, Dr. Sayah can help.

To learn more about how hand surgery could help improve your quality of life, please contact us today.

Carpal Tunnel Treatment

The carpal tunnel is the narrow passageway that protects the median nerve and several tendons as they pass from the forearm through the wrist. Even a small amount of inflammation can put pressure on this major nerve, causing sensations that can range from tingling and numbness to pain throughout the hand and fingers.

  • There are several potential causes for carpal tunnel syndrome:
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Pregnancy-related edema that causes temporary swelling and inflammation in the carpal tunnel
  • Primary health concerns that can contribute to CTS symptoms, such as diabetes, arthritis or a physical injury

Often, the cause of CTS is unknown. Treatment for CTS typically begins with a conservative approach that includes rest, wearing a splint, or applying cold compresses as needed. If these treatments fail to relieve CTS symptoms, carpal tunnel release surgery can be performed to decompress the nerve. The majority of surgical carpal tunnel treatment patients in Los Angeles experience permanent relief from their CTS symptoms after their recovery.*

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Cubital tunnel syndrome is not as well-known as carpal tunnel syndrome, yet the symptoms may be no less debilitating. In fact, both syndromes are caused by nerve compression, although cubital tunnel syndrome relates to the ulnar nerve, which is located at the elbow. Like carpal tunnel syndrome, nonsurgical treatments are the first line of defense. If these fail to bring relief to the patient, then surgical nerve decompression can be performed to reduce pressure and minimize the pain, numbness, and tingling associated with cubital tunnel syndrome.

Dupuytren’s Contracture

Dupuytren’s contracture, also known as Dupuytren’s disease, is a hand deformity that develops very slowly and originates in the connective tissue over the muscles, or fascia. As the disease progresses, the fascia thickens, forming cords and bumps while pulling the affected fingers into a permanently contracted position. Without being able to fully straighten the fingers, normal daily tasks can quickly become challenging.

  • There are two options for treating Dupuytren’s contracture: nonsurgical treatment with Xiaflex® injections, and hand surgery:
  • Xiaflex® Injections are administered right in our Los Angeles practice as an outpatient, nonsurgical treatment. In the right candidates, Xiaflex® can greatly improve the symptoms of Dupuytren’s contracture. The injections gradually break the restrictive cords that hold the fingers in a bent position, allowing the joints to straighten again.*
  • Hand surgery for Dupuytren's contracture can also break apart the cords, either through carefully placed needle punctures or surgical removal of the affected tissue.


A bone fracture, or break in the bone, can occur after acute trauma or injury. There are many different types of fractures: in some, the ends of the bone may separate or even pierce the skin, while in others the fracture is mild and visible only as a faint line in a bone that otherwise looks quite normal on an X-ray otherwise. Treatments vary depending on the level of correction needed. In some cases, complex surgery is required to ensure an optimum recovery. This can include screws, plates, and other reconstructive measures.

Ganglion Cysts

Ganglion cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on a stalk, growing out of joint capsules or tendon sheaths. They can appear throughout the wrist, hands or fingers. Although typically harmless, ganglion cysts may cause painful symptoms if they grow too close to a nerve, or could limit joint movement. Often, a needle aspiration of the fluid is sufficient to reduce any symptoms associated with the cysts, although they can be removed surgically as well.


Hand wounds, particularly bite wounds, are susceptible to infection, especially if initial treatment is at all delayed. While mild infections can be treated quite simply with topical and/or oral antibiotics, others may require irrigation, debridement, or aggressive drainage.

Laceration Repair

Lacerations are defined as an injury that breaks the skin, and may range from shallow to quite severe. When soft tissues, tendons or bones are exposed through a laceration, the edges of the injury are jagged; the wound is very deep, or there is profuse bleeding, then surgery may be needed for proper cleaning, treatment, and repair. Choosing a board certified plastic surgeon for laceration repair means a high level of medical expertise that can help limit future scarring after recovery.*

Trigger Finger

Inflammation of the tendon sheaths inside the finger can cause trigger finger, which prevents proper tendon movement and keeps the thumb or finger locked into a bent position. Not only does trigger finger limit your daily activities, but it can also be quite painful. Potential causes for trigger finger include repetitive stress injuries, diabetes, arthritis, and gout. If more conservative treatments like splinting fail to improve the symptoms, then surgical release of the affected tendon can restore full range of motion again.

If you would like more information about hand surgery in Beverly Hills, call The Sayah Institute at (310) 385-0000 today.

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