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Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills

At our cosmetic surgery practice in Beverly Hills, breast augmentation is one of the most commonly requested aesthetic operations, in line with the national trend. Several million breast enlargement procedures have been performed in the United States to date, with several hundred thousand women like you choosing the procedure each year. Most women undergo this type of surgery because they want to feel better about their appearance, both in and out of clothes.

Women choose breast augmentation surgery for many reasons. The most obvious, of course, is to improve their self-image. Breast implants can help women whose breasts are smaller than they would like, and also women who have asymmetric breasts or have seen a change in their breast size or shape as a result of pregnancy, weight loss, or aging. Implants also may be used to achieve a breast lift or in breast reconstruction, as well as breast revision surgery. A modern alternative to breast implant surgery is fat injection into the breasts. It is now possible to take unwanted fat from one area of your body and safely transfer the fat to enlarge your breasts.

If you're ready to discuss whether Beverly Hills breast augmentation is right for you, request a consultation with Dr. David Sayah today. Call (310) 385-0000 to begin.

Breast Augmentation with No Scars

In modern times, it is important to have your personal habits in mind when considering surgery on your breasts. Dr. Sayah realizes many women enjoy sunbathing in European settings; therefore, he prefers to use the endoscopic technique with breast augmentation, which leaves no scars whatsoever on the breasts.* He uses the same minimally invasive techniques for facelift or brow lift procedures to accomplish plastic surgery with no visible scars. During your initial consultation at our Beverly Hills plastic surgery office, your breast augmentation desires, fears, expectations and goals will be discussed to ensure a strong line of communication between patient and doctor.

The foremost objective is to understand what you envision your breasts should look like. In addition to increasing breast size, Dr. Sayah will strive to create a more aesthetically pleasing breast by improving shape, balance, and proportion.* Additional cosmetic procedures may be necessary to improve your results. If your breasts are sagging (ptotic),

Dr. Sayah may suggest that a breast lift procedure (mastopexy) be performed in conjunction with your Beverly Hills breast augmentation surgery. In this manner, your breasts are lifted to the correct youthful position and made fuller at the same time.

Conditions Improved by Breast Enlargement

  • Many conditions lead women to want larger breasts. The most common are listed below.
  • Small breasts: Most women who choose to undergo breast implant surgery feel their breasts are too small for their figure. In many cases, women want to increase their cup size by only one size, or they wish to have enlarged breasts that appear natural and proportional to their figure.
  • Involuted (shrinking) breasts after pregnancy: During pregnancy, the breasts enlarge to produce enough milk to sustain the newborn baby. After months of engorgement and nursing, the breast skin loses some elasticity. Soon after cessation of breastfeeding, the breast tissue generally involutes or thins out to a smaller size than before pregnancy. Coupled with the decreased skin elasticity, breasts can become droopy (ptosis). Enlarging breasts with breast implants can return them to their original size while correcting the droopiness.
  • Droopy breasts: As we age, decreased tissue elasticity and the persistent forces of gravity lead to droopy breasts, and pregnancy only serves to exaggerate the condition. At our clinic in Beverly Hills, breast implant surgery can lift the breasts to a more youthful position. If a more substantial lift is needed, a simultaneous breast lift, or mastopexy, can be performed as well.
  • Uneven (asymmetrical) breasts: Nearly all women have uneven or asymmetrical breasts to some degree. When the size difference is significant enough to be obviously noticeable, insertion of an implant in the smaller breast can dramatically improve the asymmetry. Some women may choose to place an implant in both breasts, with a larger implant being placed in the smaller breast.
  • Congenital deformities: There are several congenital conditions that lead to uneven breast size and shape.
  • Breast cancer reconstruction: Breast implant surgery remains one of the premier options for breast reconstruction following breast cancer surgery. Though radiation therapy after breast cancer surgery can negatively impact the softness of breast implants, some breast surgeons still recommend breast augmentation as the first option in reconstructing irradiated breasts.
  • Constricted breasts: Some women have breasts with a narrow base and breast tissue that herniates or protrudes through their nipple-areola complexes. To correct such a deformity, it is necessary to cut the connective tissue with breast tissue, thereby widening the base. An implant is then inserted to fill the breast and maintain the now-normal base width.

The Procedure

The surgery lasts from one to two hours and is usually performed in an ambulatory surgical facility under a light, general anesthetic administered by an anesthesiologist. A long-acting, local anesthetic is also added to help eliminate discomfort following surgery. While the procedure is carried out, you will be on a specially designed table that can be placed in a sitting position. This allows Dr. Sayah to try different implants and ensure that the proper size is used with you in an upright position. The breasts are enlarged by placing soft implants through a small incision, using one of three different approaches: axillary (armpit), around the nipple or under the breast. Dr. Sayah will discuss your preferences and his recommendations. Various types of implants are now available, including saline (sterile saltwater) and silicone.

  • One of the following techniques is used depending on your body structure and preference:
  • Axillary (Underarm): This approach is utilized when a patient's breasts are in good position and relatively symmetrical. No scars are visible on the breast or at the breast crease leading to excellent aesthetic results. Using a thin lens and camera system, the implant is introduced through a 1 to 1 1/2" incision in the center of the axilla and is placed under the muscle mass. In patients with excessively droopy breasts or those with athletic builds, the implant may be placed over the muscle tissue. Absorbable stitches are placed in the underarm area, and a small tubular drain may be used to collect fluid for a day or two to decrease swelling.
  • Nipple: This commonly used approach involves a 1 to 1 1/2" incision on the lower border of the pigmented areola and allows not only enlargement but some correction of shape and position discrepancies. The incision heals well with minimal scarring. Although blockage of nipple ducts is a theoretical problem, it rarely occurs. Most women can breastfeed after this procedure.
  • Inframammary: In a small number of cases where the areola is very small, an incision is made in the crease below the breast. This approach may be suitable for women with prior breast surgery or with the most complicated breast augmentations.

After Breast Augmentation Surgery

For the first two days after your breast augmentation surgery, you should rest at home. You are encouraged to walk around your home, but give your body a chance to take a break from your daily routines. You may experience much less discomfort than you expected but will probably want a mild pain medication such as Tylenol. Stronger medication will be available if you need it.

By the third day, you will be up and walking around. When getting out of bed, roll on your side toward the edge of the bed and bring your knees up to your waist. Move your legs to the side of the bed and gently help yourself up by pushing up with your elbows. The idea is to let your legs do most of the work so your arms can rest. When you shower, gently wash your stitch line with mild soap and apply a thin layer of a mild antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin or Polysporin.

Most patients can drive within a week and return to work or school after one to two weeks, depending on the level of activity required and the rate of recovery. You should be reminded that driving should be avoided while taking strong pain medications containing morphine derivatives such as Vicodin.

Half of the swelling resolves within two weeks, three-quarters within a month, and the remainder in one to three months.* Avoid reaching above your head to grasp objects for four weeks or until instructed otherwise by Dr. Sayah. Any change in sensation following surgery is typically temporary; resolution can occur over several weeks or months. Although breastfeeding is desirable for infants, it can have an effect on the operated breast, sometimes resulting in size reduction and discomfort. This should be considered before a decision is made about breast surgery and subsequent pregnancy and nursing.

Interested in learning more about breast augmentation? Call our Beverly Hills breast implant surgeon at (310) 385-0000 to discuss your desired look.

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