Brow Lift Procedures in Beverly Hills
Ascending the Brows to Curate Your Radiant Eyes
Over time, your skin's elastic collagen degrades, leading to wrinkles and excess skin laxity. Along with this change in the quality of your skin, gravity pulls your forehead and facial skin downward, resulting in an aging face with low set eyebrows.
The “correct” position of the eyebrows varies between men and women. In women, the eyebrow should have the shape of an asymmetric arc, with its peak 1 cm (3/8 inch) above the superior bony ridge of the eye socket. Male eyebrows should be a similar arc with a maximal peak at the bony ridge of the eye socket.
To learn more about the advantages of the endoscopic technique, or to schedule your visit, call (310) 385-0000.
Understanding the Procedure
When performing a brow lift, Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon Dr. David Sayah is adamant in maintaining this imperative distinction between the female and male eyebrows to not feminize men. The descended eyebrows of the aging face have several effects. They crowd the upper eyelid and give the appearance of a "busy" and tired face. A brow lift can return the eyebrows to their correct position, thereby opening the face and producing a fresh and well-rested appearance.
To compensate for the pressure and crowding effects of the descended eyebrow, the upper eyelid signals your brain to raise the eyebrow by contracting the frontalis muscle at the forehead. For this reason, all patients with low-set eyebrows have lines across the forehead, corresponding to the constant effort by the frontalis muscle to correct the position of the brows. In such cases, your face becomes fatigued over the course of the day, as it constantly attempts to lift the eyebrows and commonly causing mild headaches in the late afternoon.
A brow lift returns the eyebrows to their correct position, opening up your eyes and face, and alleviating the constant need to contract the frontalis muscle. If desired, the frowning muscles can be weakened with this procedure, correcting frown lines and making BOTOX® injections for the forehead no longer necessary. This procedure is also commonly combined with eyelid lift surgery for men and women who are unhappy with a sagging upper eyelid or pronounced undereye bags.
What to Expect During an Eye Lift
There are several brow lift techniques. Dr. Sayah performs most of his brow lifts endoscopically through small, hidden incisions in the hair-bearing scalp. In fact, an entire facelift can be performed through these same incisions if desired. The endoscope (camera) is then introduced under your skin. Using special endoscopic instruments, Dr. Sayah performs the procedure in layers. The deepest portion of the scalp is released. The next, most superficial layer of your forehead scalp is then incised to provide greater upward mobility to your eyebrows. If desired, the frowning muscles between your eyebrows are next weakened such that you no longer require BOTOX® to prevent frown lines.
The next layer of your forehead is released last, and the forehead is elevated to its aesthetically correct position. The eyebrows are shaped at their correct position, taking into account your preference, particular needs, and gender. At the end of the procedure, the incisions are closed with plastic surgery techniques to minimize scarring and bandages are placed.*
In patients with tall foreheads, other brow lift techniques are preferred. A temporal brow lift involves small 3-4 cm (one inch) incisions at the hairline. The forehead skin is released as before, and the brow elevated to the desired natural position. With this method, the high forehead is improved instead of worsened.* Numerous advantages distinguish these modern techniques for a brow lift from older ones. Standard brow lifts are associated with long scars at the hairline or across the top of the head, from one ear to the other. Common complications include hair loss and numbness of the scalp.
The endoscopic and temporal techniques preserve the nerves and blood vessels at your scalp, preventing these complications. Other advantages include faster recovery and minimal downtime.*
Recovering from Brow Lift Surgery
After your procedure, you will be resting comfortably in the recovery room. Please make arrangements for transportation to your home before your surgery. If you would like to stay at a post-surgical recovery center, please inform us ahead of time.
On the Day of Surgery
You will be perfectly comfortable and pain-free due to the long-acting local anesthetics used by Dr. Sayah. You may drink clear liquids, but avoid solid food as it may induce nausea. Take your medications as prescribed.
It is important that you keep your head elevated while lying in bed to minimize swelling and bruising. This is best done by placing 3-4 pillows under your back to sit up in bed. Our office staff will contact you daily during the first week to address all your concerns.
On the First Day after Surgery
The first day after surgery is typically the most difficult. You should begin to walk around the house with assistance and resume a regular diet. Let your face “set in place” by resting your facial muscles and avoid extreme facial expressions, including prolonged conversations and laughter. Cold packs applied to your forehead will help reduce any bruising and swelling, which may result. You may take a sponge bath with assistance, but keep your head clean and dry for 48 hours after surgery.
During the First Week after Surgery
You should walk around increasingly more. Do not lie in bed for prolonged periods, as it may interfere with your nightly sleep while increasing your risk for complications. On the third day after surgery, your bandages will be removed, and you may enjoy a shower.
Switch from cold packs to warm to reduce any swelling or bruising. It may also alleviate pain and discomfort. Continue to sleep with your head elevated at all times. Your sutures will be removed at approximately seven days after surgery.
Beyond the First Week after Surgery
Over the next 6-8 weeks, you will experience an 80% recovery from your surgery. You may begin more facial animation after this period, and increase your level of activity.
schedule your free consultation with the renowned Beverly Hills plastic surgeon,
call Dr. Sayah’s practice at (310) 905-8405 today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Brow Lift FAQs
What is a brow lift?
A brow lift (sometimes called a forehead lift) helps resolve the appearance of aging in the forehead and upper brow, including minimizing deep lines and creases as well as lifting a fallen brow line. During surgery, the skin and muscles of the brow are repositioned for a smoother, younger look.
Am I a candidate?
The best candidates for a brow lift notice a lower set to their brows that overshadows their eyes, or have distinct furrows in their forehead and/or between the eyes. It’s also important to be in good health mentally and physically, and to maintain realistic expectations about your procedure.
Can’t BOTOX® and injectable fillers keep my brow looking younger?
While minimally invasive treatments like BOTOX® and injectable fillers can definitely help keep minor signs of aging at bay for several months at a time, these treatments are only temporary and don’t affect the underlying structure of the forehead musculature. Only surgery can address the more visible signs of aging that develop as the result of changes in support structure of the face.
Can I combine a brow lift with additional procedures?
It’s very common to combine a brow lift with additional procedures, and this typically offers even more comprehensive results. For example, including eyelid surgery with a brow lift helps rejuvenate the entire eye and brow area. Many surgeons will also incorporate BOTOX® or injectable fillers as a finishing touch to a brow lift. It’s important to discuss your appearance goals with Dr. Sayah so he can develop the treatment plan that will work best for you.
What should I expect during my procedure?
Dr. Sayah prefers to perform the majority of brow lifts endoscopically, beginning with small, hidden incisions in the hairline. Starting with the deepest layer of the scalp, Dr. Sayah gradually works toward the surface while releasing muscles to allow the brow better upward mobility and improved elevation. The endoscopic approach offers a faster recovery time for patients with less discomfort and swelling.
What should I expect during recovery?
Most patients feel sore at first, and may notice some initial swelling; both of these can be helped with cold packs. It’s important to keep the head elevated immediately after your surgery, which further helps keep swelling down. Over-the-counter medication is often sufficient for helping patients feel more comfortable, although Dr. Sayah can recommend something stronger if needed. The majority of patients are able to return to work within a few weeks.
When will I see results?
You should notice a difference in your appearance almost immediately, although your final results will be initially disguised by the initial post-operative swelling. As your brow heals and settles, you should see an improvement in the position of your brow, as well as notice that deep lines and wrinkles appear less pronounced.
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