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Beverly Hills Eyelid Surgery

Reshaping the Focal Center of Your Face with Blepharoplasty

Your eyes are the most revealing feature of your face. When engaged in conversation, our eyes are the center of attention. Puffiness, dark circles around the eyes, or droopy upper eyelids give the appearance of fatigue and aging. In some individuals, the excess skin of the upper eyelids can obstruct the field of vision, which can be dangerous when driving, for instance.

Dr. David Sayah can perform eyelid surgery at his Beverly Hills plastic surgery practice to remove the excess fat and drooping skin of the upper eyelids, minimize bags under the eyes and tighten the lower eyelid skin. The result is a fresh, youthful, and more rested appearance.* Eyelid surgery is performed on men and women of all ages who want to improve their self-image.

The following concerns are easily addressed with eyelid lift surgery:

  • In the Upper Eyelid:
  • Excess skin that hides the natural fold of the upper eyelids
  • Loose skin that hangs down from the upper eyelids
  • Puffiness in the upper eyelids that creates a tired look
  • In the Lower Eyelid:
  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelids
  • Puffy "bags" and dark circles

In many instances, the excess droopy skin of the upper eyelids is due at least partially to a lowered eyebrow. As we age, gravitational pull – along with decreased elasticity of the skin – leads to a down fall or ptosis of the eyebrows. Naturally, low-set eyebrows may be genetic in some, in which case an endoscopic forehead lift or brow lift is necessary at an earlier age.

In other instances, an endoscopic forehead lift may be performed simultaneously to blepharoplasty. It is imperative, however, to address the low eyebrows in addition to blepharoplasty in order to avoid excision of excess skin of the upper eyelid. Returning the eyebrow to its aesthetic position decreases the amount of skin necessary for excision in the blepharoplasty. Patients may also combine eyelid surgery with facelift or Ultherapy for a completely refreshed look.

Dr. Sayah can help you determine if a brow lift is necessary for conjunction with eyelid surgery. Request a consultation when you call (310) 385-0000.

How Is the Blepharoplasty Procedure Performed?

Eyelid surgery is typically performed under light sedation or general anesthesia. Dr. Sayah uses long-acting local anesthetics to assure that you are pain-free* after the procedure.

  • The incision at the upper eyelids typically begins within the natural crease of the eye's inside corner and extends to the crow's feet, or laugh lines. Through this incision, excess skin and fatty tissue are removed.
  • The incision line follows the natural contour of the upper eyelid and is camouflaged when healed. If the upper eyelids are droopy in addition to having excess skin, the muscles responsible for elevating the eyelid are repaired to achieve correction of upper eyelid position.

There are two components to the lower eyelid surgery, depending on your individual needs.

  1. The first component is excess skin causing wrinkles or unevenness of the lower eyelid. To address this problem, an incision is made just below your eyelashes and the excess skin is excised. The remaining skin is re-draped over your eyelid, and the wound is closed to result in a well-concealed scar.
  2. The second component of the lower eyelid is excess puffiness or bulging due to excess or protruding fat. In those with mild bulging of the fat, the membrane at the lower eyelid is tightened to push the protruding fat back in.

In those with moderate to severe bulging, Dr. Sayah makes an incision at the lower eyelid crease just at the base of the eyelashes, where eyeliner is normally applied, and excessive skin, muscle folds, puffiness and fatty "bags" are removed.

When neither skin nor muscle fold removal is required, puffiness and "bags" can be removed with a hidden incision made inside the lower eyelid without any visible external incision.

Incisions are closed with very fine specialized plastic surgery stitches, some of which are absorbed by the body, while others are usually removed five to seven days after the operation. In those with a sulcus or groove at the lower eyelids, micro fat injection or re-draping of the eyelid fat may be necessary to improve the grooving.

What to Expect While Recovering from Eyelid Surgery

Patients typically return home immediately after the outpatient blepharoplasty procedure. Dr. Sayah recommends ice-cold compresses for the first two days after surgery to decrease potential bruising or swelling. There may be some tightness at the eyelids due to swelling, and sometimes, the eyes may not completely close until the swelling resolves.

  • After you arrive home, maintain your head elevated at all times by placing several pillows under your neck and back.
  • Try to avoid rolling onto your face as you sleep to avoid disturbing your wounds.
  • You may drink fluids on this day but progress your diet very slowly if you are not tolerating the fluids.

On the evening of your surgery and for most of the next day, avoid reading, watching television, and vision-intensive pastimes. Rest your eyes as much as possible. Then, progressively resume visual activities as comfort permits. Our staff will be contacting you daily to assure you are progressing well.

The day after your procedure, begin walking around your house. You may advance your diet to regular food, but limit foods that require aggressive chewing, such as apples or steak. Most bruising and swelling usually resolves within seven days.

Incision lines may appear somewhat swollen and pink for several days to a few weeks. Once the stitches are removed at 5-7 days, hypoallergenic make-up may be used as camouflage. Contact lens wearers cannot wear their normal lenses for 5-10 days following surgery. If corrected vision is required during that time, prescription glasses are suggested.

For more information regarding Dr. Sayah’s eyelid lift surgery,
contact us online to
schedule a consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Eyelid FAQs

    What is eyelid surgery?

    Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery (sometimes called an eye lift), is performed at our Beverly Hills practice for primarily cosmetic reasons, but may also help correct vision obstruction due to droopy eyelids. This surgery targets the eye area to remove puffiness and correct tired-looking lids.

    Am I a candidate?

    The ideal candidate for an eye lift will notice that upper eyelids have fallen past the lash line, lower lids show white below the iris, or puffy bags below the eye. Candidates for an eye lift should be in good health both mentally and physically, and maintain realistic expectations about the results of their surgery.

    Will eyelid surgery get rid of my crow’s feet?

    Eyelid surgery actually focuses on rejuvenating the structure of the eyelids rather than addressing the wrinkles at the corner of the eye. Additional procedures are included often along with eyelid surgery to specifically address crow’s feet and other fine lines and wrinkles.

    How do I choose the right surgeon for my eye lift?

    A board certified plastic surgeon who has extensive training in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery will deliver the best possible results. You should also choose a surgeon you feel comfortable with, and one whose before and after photos make you feel confident in their work. Some patients choose a surgeon based on recommendations from friends and family who have undergone an eye lift with good results.

    Will my results look natural?

    The goal of every eyelid surgery is to deliver natural results that leave patients looking younger and more refreshed, not “done.” Choosing a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience performing eyelid surgery will go a long way toward ensuring a great outcome.

    What should I expect during the procedure?

    Dr. Sayah prefers to use either light sedation or general anesthesia for eyelid surgery. A long-lasting local anesthetic is used as well to ensure that patients feel comfortable throughout the surgery and into early recovery. The specific surgical technique varies depending on which areas need to be addressed, and the level of correction that’s needed. During upper eyelid surgery, Dr. Sayah makes an initial incision hidden within the natural crease of the inner corner of the eye. Through this incision, he removes extra fat and fatty tissue, as well as tightening lax muscles to correct the position of the eyelid. For a lower blepharoplasty, Dr. Sayah places the incision just below the lower lash line to remove the excess skin and fat responsible for creating puffy bags below the eye. In some cases, the lower eye membrane may be tightened to push fat back in rather than removing the fat entirely. Dr. Sayah completes the surgery using very fine stitches to ensure lasting results with minimal scarring.

    What should I expect during recovery?

    Some swelling and discomfort are normal immediately after surgery, but applying cold packs should help alleviate both. You should keep your head and neck elevated after you first arrive back home, and avoid any vision-intense activities like reading or watching TV. Instead, rest your eyes as much as possible and drink plenty of liquids. Wearing contact lenses should be avoided for the first week or more after surgery. Most bruising or swelling should dissipate within the first week, and the incisions will fade after a few weeks.

    When will I see results?

    You should notice a difference in your appearance almost immediately, although some bruising and swelling may initially disguise your improvements. After a few months, you should have a good idea of your final results, although many patients continue seeing improvements even after this time.

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