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Arm Lift Procedure in Beverly Hills

Take Back Your Confidence & Your Beauty

Loose skin on the arms, often associated with excess fat, is of concern to most people, especially after gaining or losing weight. During aging, the skin on the arms loses its elasticity and begins to sag or dangle. An arm lift, or brachioplasty, addresses the excess fat and skin at the arms, reducing the size of your arms while creating a nicer contour.

In those with excess fat at the arms, the surgery begins with liposuction frequently with the use of laser technology. The process includes the following:

  • Fat is carefully removed to sculpt the arms into a more beautiful appearance.
  • The excess skin is next removed using modern techniques.

The surgery has a tremendously high success rate. However, one of the greatest drawbacks of the procedure is the scar on the upper arms. Several techniques are available to reduce the size of the arms while removing the excess skin. In some patients, Dr. Sayah’s technique can hide the scars in the underarm region. In others, the scar is placed on the inside of the upper arms such that it is not visible with the arms in repose.*

Preparing for the Procedure

You can perform your regular activities and work until the day of surgery. The day before your surgery, Dr. Sayah, an established Beverly Hills plastic surgeon will mark the surgical incisions to assure your final scar will be well hidden.*

Dr. Sayah prefers light general anesthesia for his procedures. With this anesthetic technique, you will breathe on your own, completely unaware of the surgery. While you sleep, a local anesthetic is injected into the surgical site to minimize post-surgical pain.

To further discuss your arm lift surgery and what kind scar-minimizing procedure you would like to undergo, request a consultation with Dr. Sayah today at (310) 385-0000.

What to Expect During an Arm Lift

The procedure starts with liposculpture of the arms where needed.

  • Using the laser and a tiny narrow tube called a cannula, the fat is carefully removed in small pieces to sculpt the arms.
  • Using markings made before procedure, incisions are made at the underarms or along the inside of the upper arms to remove the excess skin.
  • The skin is then re-draped and closed.
  • Multiple layers are used to close the skin to minimize scarring and to ensure that the final scar will remain as thin as possible.

Before the completion of the surgery, a long-acting anesthetic is injected into the surgical sites to minimize pain post-operatively. A compression garment is applied to your arms at the completion of the procedure. You are asked to take the binder off every four hours until your first visit.

After the Procedure

On the day your surgery is completed, you should drink fluids; if you experience discomfort, advance your diet slowly. Make sure to take your medications as prescribed including your antibiotics and pain medicine.

On the first day after surgery, Dr. Sayah encourages you to walk around as much as possible and not to lie in bed for prolonged periods. When in bed, move your calves regularly to keep blood circulating in your legs. Take plenty of deep breaths to maintain your lungs well aerated and to avoid a collapse of certain portions of your lungs. Refer to your “general instructions” sheets, which will be provided to you after your procedure. Remember to remove your compression garment every four hours while you are awake. During the following week, you are encouraged to walk as much as comfortably possible.

Questions about an arm lift in Beverly Hills? Call (310) 385-0000.

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