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Tummy Tuck Procedure in Beverly Hills

Get that Flat Belly You’ve Been Working For!

It is common for men to have excess stomach fat and skin, especially with age. Most women, especially after pregnancy, have dealt with loose abdominal wall skin and musculature, leading to a protruding stomach. With a tummy tuck, Dr. David N. Sayah addresses the excess fat and skin, as well as the weakness and spreading apart of the rectus abdominals muscles. If you have any questions regarding tummy tuck surgery, please request a consultation online. The friendly staff at The Sayah Institute is ready to help you get on your way to a shapelier, slimmer new you.

Call the Beverly Hills abdominoplasty surgeon at the office at (310) 385-0000.

Are You a Candidate?

Your first step to a new look is to schedule a visit to our office for a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Sayah. During your consult, you will discuss your surgical options and Dr. Sayah will assess your candidacy for the procedure. If you do decide to schedule an abdominoplasty or a Mommy Makeover in Beverly Hills, you will be provided with a list of preoperative steps to follow.*

Preparing for Your Procedure

Be certain to drink plenty of fluids to remain well hydrated before your procedure. Dr. Sayah asks that the day before your surgery you only consume a clear, liquid diet to keep your intestines clear of any residue. You can otherwise perform your regular activities and work until the day of surgery.

On your last appointment before the day of surgery, wear your favorite bikini bottom. This will be used by Dr. Sayah to mark the surgical incisions to assure your final abdominal scar will be well hidden by the bikini.*

Dr. Sayah prefers light general anesthesia for his procedures. With this anesthetic technique, you will breathe on your own, completely unaware of the surgery. While you sleep, a local anesthetic is injected into the surgical site to minimize post-surgical pain.

Performing the Tummy Tuck

Liposuction is performed to remove any excess fat that remains on the sides. The skin is then re-draped over your abdomen, and the excess skin and fat are excised . Multiple layers are used to close the skin to minimize scarring and to ensure that the final scar will remain within the "bikini region."*

  1. Using markings made before the procedure, incisions are made at the bikini line and around the belly button.
  2. The abdominal skin and underlying fat are then raised surgically.
  3. The loose abdominal muscles that have spread apart with time are sutured together in a special manner to bring them back to their anatomically correct positions. This technique will also tighten the abdominal wall and give you an improved figure.

Before the completion of the surgery, a long-acting anesthetic is injected into the surgical sites to minimize post-operative pain. Silastic drains are then placed to collect any oozing that may occur over the next few days and are typically removed during the first week. We will also apply an abdominal binder at the completion of the procedure, which you will need to take off every 4 hours until your first visit. You will be provided with a detailed set of postoperative instructions to maximize your comfort and results as you recover.

After the Procedure

Following your abdominoplasty, you will be asked to walk with your back flexed forward at the hips to minimize tension on the abdominal. When getting into and out of bed, roll onto your side and get up sideways to reduce any straining of the wound. Do not attempt to sit-up in bed. Lie down in bed only with your back elevated with a few pillows. You should not lie flat for the first two weeks after surgery. Dr. Sayah also does not recommend sitting perfectly upright for longer than one hour per day during the first week.

On the day of surgery you should drink fluids; but if you experience discomfort, please advance your diet slowly. Take your medications as prescribed including your antibiotics and pain medicine, and make sure to get plenty of rest.

  • On the first day after surgery, Dr. Sayah encourages you to walk around as much as possible and not to lie in bed for prolonged periods.
  • When in bed, move your calves regularly to keep blood circulating in your legs.
  • Take plenty of deep breaths to keep your lungs well aerated and to avoid a collapse of certain portions of your lungs.
  • You can also hold a pillow against your abdomen to minimize abdominal motion when taking deep breaths.
  • Remember to remove your compression garment (girdle) every four hours while you are awake.
  • Empty the drains and record the time and amount whenever the “bulb” appears to be about half full. The bulb must be fully collapsed to function properly.

For more information, refer to the instruction sheets provided to you after the surgery.

Contact The Sayah Institute for More Information

During the following week, you are encouraged to walk as much as comfortably possible. The office staff will contact you regularly to ensure your comfort and to answer any questions. For the swelling to subside more rapidly and to improve your final results, it is important that you wear your compression garment (girdle) for six to eight weeks.

Call (310) 385-0000 now if you are considering a tummy tuck in Beverly Hills.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Tummy Tuck

    What Is a Tummy Tuck?

    A tummy tuck, officially known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that first tightens the interior abdominal muscles, then removes excess fat and tissue to reveal a more streamlined profile.

    What Should I Expect?

    1. The first step in your tummy tuck is scheduling a consultation with Dr. Sayah. Together, you’ll discuss your appearance goals and the best approach toward achieving these goals.
    2. As your surgery approaches, drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. On the day before your surgery, you should stick to just clear liquids to ensure a positive surgical experience the next day.
    3. The day of your surgery, a light general anesthesia will be administered to allow you to sleep through the surgery, combined with a local anesthetic right at the surgical site to minimize post-operative discomfort.
    4. During your tummy tuck, Dr. Sayah will make incisions that are hidden below the natural bikini line. If there has been any muscle separation in the abdomen, stitches will bring the muscles back together and hold them in their correct placement. Next, Dr. Sayah will use liposuction to remove fat cell deposits in the abdomen. Any excess skin and tissue are removed, and the skin is re-draped over your freshly tightened abdominal muscles.

    Am I a Candidate?

    The best candidates for tummy tuck are those who have already reached a steady weight and are in good general health overall. Weight losses after a tummy tuck, or weight gain following the procedure, could both impact your final results. A tummy tuck isn’t an alternative to weight loss, and shouldn’t be performed on women who anticipate becoming pregnant.

    What Will My Results Look Like?

    After your tummy tuck, you should be able to see an immediate difference in your profile, although postoperative swelling may disguise the results at first. Loose skin and tissue will no longer be visible, and lower abdominal stretch marks will be resolved.

    Can I Get Lipo Instead?

    While liposuction and tummy tucks are both procedures that help you look slimmer and more toned, they are very different surgeries that accomplish very different goals. Liposuction removes only fat cells and does not affect the musculature support of the abdomen in any way. Liposuction won’t remove excess skin, either, or minimize stretch marks.

    A tummy tuck repairs separated abdominal muscles, as well as removing excess fat and tissue. A tummy tuck and liposuction are often combined for more comprehensive results.

    To learn more about the differences between lipo and tummy tucks and for help determining which is right for you, click here.

    What About Recovery?

    After your tummy tuck, Dr. Sayah suggests walking around as soon as possible rather than lying still, to promote active blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots. He also recommends rolling to your side first before getting out of bed, and not lying flat for the first couple of weeks. You should also avoid sitting perfectly straight during your first week home, so you do not place excess strain on your incisions.

    While recovering, you’ll have to keep track of emptying your surgical drains and removing your compression garment every few hours. These steps will help ensure that swelling dissipates rapidly, and promote healing.

    Is My Tummy Tuck Permanent?

    With proper care, tummy tuck results will last for many years. However, it is possible for the abdominal muscles to re-stretch during subsequent pregnancies or weight gain. For this reason, Dr. Sayah does not recommend abdominoplasty for women who plan on future pregnancies. Although nothing can fully stop the aging process, tummy tucks reshape the appearance of your body to minimize the signs of aging both now and in the future. If you continue to maintain a healthful diet and regular exercise, you should be able to maintain your new look long-term.

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